lunedì 9 ottobre 2006

Un astuto turista

Che dire a un turista tanto sagace da venire a farsi le vacanze a Chiavari da solo e passare la sua serata a mangiare farinata al Baiciotto? Bravo, Elon Danziger! Ti iscriviamo come socio onorario numero 1 del Nicola Vaccarezza Fan Club.

Germany Italy Portugal: Orbetello and Chiavari: Heading North by Slow Train:: "After leaving my bags in the bungalow, I cycled back to town. I bought a map of Liguria at a little bookshop, from whose owner I got a good tip for a local-yokel restaurant called Il Baiciotto. I had a great dinner of farinata (a sort of soft chick-pea bread), calimari, and dessert, for $10. I cycled around Chiavari, which is quite chic (but quite dead at this time of year), and stopped at Defilla, an opulent pastry store and bar and delicacy purveyor, which must be famous."

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